Monday, March 2, 2020

Radio 1 Production questions

What was the task you were assigned?  Construct a Radio 1 breakfast show video
Who was in your group and what was everyones role in the task? my group consisted of Hannah and I, Hannah recorded the audio and I was the main host on the radio show
What fresh ideas did you bring to the programme? The ideas I bought were the social media mentions which interacted with the audience to bring them closer to the show
Who did you interview? I interviewed Monique who was playing Mabel
What tracks did you chose and why? The track I chose was 'Still' by Loyle Carner as it is British and not so well known
What was the running order? The show started with the introduction by me, then went to the news with ben, then the interview with Mabel and finally the song to end it.
Who is your target audience? 16-29
How did you relate to/attract your audience? We used social media mentions to interact with our audience
How does the product fit the BBC/PSB remit? The product fits the remit as it includes new British music, current news affairs and showcasing of upcoming artists (Mabel)
What do you think could have improved in terms of content? I could have included a game to interact with the audience more
What was your initial feedback? It could have been more upbeat and excitable, I could have included a game to interact with the audience, the love of sound varied throughout the production which is something I need to work on
What went well? Things that went well included the content used such as the celebrity interview or news, the song was good for showing British music

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