Monday, February 24, 2020

Daily Mail Front Cover Analysis

For both front pages, the main story is that the ex Duke and Duchess of Sussex have decided to leave the royal family in pursuit for a more normal life. Both front pages are presented in different ways due to their political views and standpoints.
The daily mail is a conservative newspaper aimed at social groups ABC1 which are upper middle class, middle class and lower middle class. The daily mail is pro-monarchy so this story for them is more important than it is to the Guardian.
The Guardian is a more left-wing and labour favoured paper and is also aimed at ABC1 social groups. The Guardian is a more anti-monarchy so the relevance of this story is lower compared to the Daily Mail.
On the daily mail front cover, the story takes up the whole of the front page and is addressed as a 'Royal Bombshell Special Issue'. The font size is large and in bold. In yellow, 'WE QUIT' is used to stand out as it is the main focus of the headline. The language used on the cover of the Daily Mail makes the story sound more scandalous and serious whereas the language used on the cover of the Guardian makes the story seem less severe. As the Guardian is a more anti-monarchist paper the story is less relevant which explains the fact that the font size is smaller and the picture is smaller. The Daily Mail sees this story as more important as the are a pro-monarchy newspaper. To make the headline seem serious the Daily Mail state that the Queen is furious and that the Sussex's 'dramatically step down as senior Royals - WITHOUT telling Her majesty, Charles or William'. The use of capitals and words such as 'dramatically' make the article seem more interesting and exciting as it is seen as a sot of scandal. Unlike the Daily Mail, the Guardian has one than one story on the front page. Whereas on the Daily Mail cover there is no article discussing the topic, the article for the Sussex's is on the front page, perhaps giving a brief insight which will be further elaborated on in the paper.
On the cover for the Guardian other stories such as 'Trump edging away fro war with Iran' to 'Suzanne Moore on Elizabeth Wurtzel'. This shows that although it is big news, the Guardian do not feel that the story is important enough to warrant a special edition or a whole front page to its self due to its anti-monarchy stance, whereas the Daily Mail who are more pro-monarchy feel as though the story is important enough to have a special edition such as this which is titled 'Royal Bombshell Special Issue'
On the daily Mail cover, the picture is edited to make it more dramatic. The photographs on each cover are the same but just fro a different angle. The Guardian's picture looks unedited and natural whereas the Daily Mail's cover is seen to be edited to add effect. The colours look more saturated and shadows look like they have been added or darkened to create a sense of dramatisation.

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