Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Post Modernism and Baudrillard


Features of a Post Modern Media product include: 
  • Irony 
  • Parody or Homage: Homage = paying respect to a genre, style, person or product. Parody = making fun of a genre or style, product or person 
  • Bricolage: Sampling and using older media products in your own
  • Intertextual references 
  • Fragmented Narrative 
  • Self Reflexivity 
  • Common Themes: What if, the future, technology, human existence 
  • Loss of Reality: More artifice, less reality 
  • Lack of Verisimilitude: Verisimilitude = Amount of Realism

Baudrillard's Theory of Postmodernism
  • Reality vs Artificial 
  • Artificial copies = Simulacra Simulacra become hard to tell apart from reality = Hyperreality 
  • A simulacrum (singular) is a copy of something with very little link to reality 
  • Audiences prefer Simulacra to real life